Time & Location:
May 4th 2013 (Saturday) 9:00-20:00
Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Technology Park
25212 W. IL Rte 120, Round Lake IL 60073
Eevent Agenda:
9:00-9:30 Registration/ Poster Mounting
9:30-9:40 Welcome
9:40-10:25 Dr. Katharine Qiu
Sr. Director, Medical Products, R&D, Baxter Healthcare Corp.
10:25-11:10 Mr. Guy Lewis
Strategic Marketing Director, Honeywell UOP
11:10-11:30 GLCACS Announcement and Break
11:30-13:00 Poster Presentation Competition
13:00-14:30 Poster Session, Career Fair and Lunch Break
14:30-15:15 Dr. Harold Kung
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Northwestern University
15:15-16:00 Dr. Yingming Zhao
Professor of the Ben May Department for Cancer Research,
University of Chicagok
16:00-16:45 Dr. Yihong Qiu
Sr. Research Fellow, AbbVie Inc.n I
16:45-17:00 Break and Poster Competition Ballot Casting
17:00-17:15 Poster Awards and Closing Remarkark
18:00-20:00 Dinner Reception
Guest Speakers:
A Career with Higher Purpose- Saving and Sustaining Lives Worldwide - Dr. Katharine Qiu
Dr. Katharine Qiu
Sr. Director, Medical Products, R&D, Baxter Healthcare Corp
If you are contemplating a career of higher purpose- saving and sustaining lives, you can find satisfaction at Baxter. If you have a desire to learn and grow – delivering innovative products and services to patients in the established and developing markets, you can find opportunities at Baxter. Whether you’re interested in medical devices, pharmaceuticals or biotechnology – or all three – Baxter offers an exciting
environment, global R&D footprint and diverse culture to help you explore and find the path that’s right for you.
Katharine Qiu is Senior Director, Technology Resources, Medical Products in Baxter. Katharine joined Baxter in 2007 as Director, Research & Development in Renal Division. Prior to joining Baxter, Katharine held several technical and program management positions responsible for new product development and global launch at Abbott Diagnostic Division, Abbott Laboratories. Katharine was an Arthritis Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University prior to joining Abbott. Katharine
co-leads the communication committee of Building Women Leaders at Baxter and serves on the Board of Directors for the Allotrope Foundation. Katharine received her B.S. in Biochemical Engineering from East China University of Technology in China and her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Colorado State University in USA.
Innovations Enabling the Shale Revolution - Mr. Guy Lewis
Li Ion Battery – Moving Forward - Dr. Harold Kung
New Lysine Acylation Pathways, New Histone Marks, and Their Regulatory Enzymes - Dr. Yingming Zhao
Recent Trends and Career Opportunities within the Pharmaceutical Industry - Dr. Yihong Qiu